Friday, January 25, 2008

New Year 2008

Hello Everyone,
I check this site at least once a week, anxious to see if there is any news from any of the Farmer clan. I enjoy hearing everyone's news. We had a wonderful Christmas Season with a visit from "Santa" as Shelly calls herself. Her hair is so long and very pretty! She took Meg for a drive in her new car! It was fun to visit with her for a little while. We caught Jan up on Mema's 80th birthday party. They brought Mema to visit and we enjoyed having her for a long visit. We took her to Houston for her eye appointment. Hopefully she will be able to have a permanent fix for her macular degeneration. We're all praying for that! Marty had his surgery on his nose for a skin cancer and while he was recovering from that we all took sick with the stomach flu. Thankfully Mema didn't get it. We know it was an answer to prayer as everyone else had a touch (if not full blown) case of it. Still it was very nice having her with us. She's a good example for all of us, I believe. And, such a good sport about everything. I hope I can be as sweet and positive at 80!

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