Sunday, April 13, 2008

A Change is Coming

Well folks, I've created my own blog so won't be using this one anymore. It seems that I'm the only one so I did my own thing on

Friday, February 1, 2008

January 31, 2008

We left Cleburne on Tuesday morning about 5:30 a.m. to start our trek out west for our job. We had nice weather except for a mighty wind that made even made "Big Red" swerve a time or two! When we'd stop we'dget the sand all over us and it was in our hair when we'd get back in the truck. Nevertheless, we made it in less time than usual (thanks to the GPS) getting to El Paso. We worked there on Wednesday and then headed to Phoenix, where we worked all Thursday. Spent the night and then worked Yuma today (Friday) and ended up here in Anaheim. How I wish all the grandkids could be here with us. We're not far from Disneyland, Knotts Berry Farm and Medieval Times. There is so much to do here for them. I love it that we have email and cell phones though. I've talked to all of them the last couple of days. Congratulations to Randy getting his new car!

Friday, January 25, 2008

Nativity Play

New Year 2008

Hello Everyone,
I check this site at least once a week, anxious to see if there is any news from any of the Farmer clan. I enjoy hearing everyone's news. We had a wonderful Christmas Season with a visit from "Santa" as Shelly calls herself. Her hair is so long and very pretty! She took Meg for a drive in her new car! It was fun to visit with her for a little while. We caught Jan up on Mema's 80th birthday party. They brought Mema to visit and we enjoyed having her for a long visit. We took her to Houston for her eye appointment. Hopefully she will be able to have a permanent fix for her macular degeneration. We're all praying for that! Marty had his surgery on his nose for a skin cancer and while he was recovering from that we all took sick with the stomach flu. Thankfully Mema didn't get it. We know it was an answer to prayer as everyone else had a touch (if not full blown) case of it. Still it was very nice having her with us. She's a good example for all of us, I believe. And, such a good sport about everything. I hope I can be as sweet and positive at 80!

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Santa Claus is coming to town

Okay, not Santa, but I think I will be in the Dallas/Ft Worth area around (probably after) Christmas. Are there any fun Farmer family shindigs going on that I could crash?

Thursday, November 15, 2007

The Cabin

The cabin is finally finished and Donna has begun the search for furnishings. Here are some pictures.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Ghouls and Goblins

We had our very own Halloween Party for the grands. They dressed up, Meg painted their faces and Kim had all the fun games with prizes for them. The kids had a blast and it was a chance to get more mileage out of their costumes!